I am writing this letter to say thank you, because I am so happy with my English now. Maybe my scores are not too high. However, I can express myself with confidence now.
I have improved my grammar, speaking, listening and everything. Now I feel more confident and I think I can have a better job.
My teachers, Dave and Ms.Val are the best teachers. Dave spent a lot of his time helping me with my grammar. In addition, he has prepared (in his own time) special exercises for me to keep me up with the pace of the class and not to be left behind. Also, he has been really happy to answer all my million questions and every time with good manners. I think he is a teacher with lots of motivation and patience.
Val is my teacher in the afternoon class and she has improved my speaking, writing and score in IELTS. I am so happy with her, because she has helped me a lot (in her won time) with my personal writing such as emails and reports for my work. Now, I can be reaching my dream to go to the university in New Zealand one day soon.
Another important person has been Hao. She has organised great entertainment for us and we have had good fun. I think that her job is really important in our school, because she keeps the students happy and motivated. She is the ˇ°smileˇ± in the school. Also, she is also pleased to help us with any problems.
In overall, I am really happy with the school and I have improved my English a lot. Now I can live with my dream to study in the university or I can have a better job. For those reasons, I encouraged my friend Paulo to study in this school. And I am happy to recommend the school to other people based on my own experience.
Finally, thank you for letting me teach Zumba and giving me this great opportunity to learn this important language with the best teachers and team in Waikato.