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The University of Waikato , Hamilton, New Zealand  
FREE enrolment service and providing FREE student health insurance cover for the first year of study at the University of Waikatoyou enrol through us

The University of Waikato is widely recognised for its flexibility and international standards of tuition and research. In addition to offering innovative pathways into a wide range of qualifications ranging from undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications, Waikato emphasises interdisciplinary programmes and specialised research.

Waikato University  degrees are recognised worldwide and our graduates employed in all levels of industry around the globe

Waikato University offers excellence in teaching and research. The University of Waikato was ranked No. 1 amongst New Zealand universities in the following subjects:
Business, Communications, Journalism and Media Studies, Music, Literary Arts and other Arts, Chemistry, Computer Science, Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour, Biology, Mathematics, and Education.

Government approved programmes include:
Agriculture, Business, Business Administration & Computing, Education, Engineering & Construction, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Hairdressing & Beauty, Horticulture/Arboriculture, Information Technology, Interior Design, Journalism, Landscape Design, Media Arts, Midwifery, Nursing & Health, Professional Cookery & Hospitality, Science & Technology, Social Development, Sport & Exercise Science, Travel & Tourism.

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Waikato Institute of Education

Address: 103 London Street,
PO Box 773, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: 64 - 7 - 8382450   Fax: 64 - 7 - 838 2453