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Hamilton's Fraser High School, New Zealand  
Pathway for International Students to Hamilton's Fraser High School
FREE enrolment service and FREE student health insurance cover for the first year of study at Hamilton's Fraser High School  you enrol through us

Overseas High School students intending to study at New Zealand High Schools would need a good level of English. Direct enrolment into New Zealand High School is possible but it is recommended that students improve their English and learn about New Zealand before attempting to study at the High Schools. By enrolling on Waikato Institute of Education’s High School Preparation programme, students can improve their English and learn about New Zealand school culture, study systems or methods, exams and further tertiary education available in New Zealand. After completing Waikato Institute of Education’s programme, students will be better prepared to study in Hamilton's Fraser High School

Free Service for Enrol Hamilton's Fraser High School
Students who enroll in our High School Preparation programme can enter
Fraser High Schoo. We Provide free service to help student enrol Hamilton's Fraser High School after they finish High School Preparation Course.
Hamilton's Fraser High School has a highly trained staff and offers a full academic programme in preparation for university and institutes of technology. .

Hamilton's Fraser High School is a popular co-educational school with a student roll of 1900.

Hamilton's Fraser High School offer a broad range of subjects from Year 9 to Year 13. All subjects follow the national curriculum, and lead to national qualifications. Students are able to choose from a wide range of subjects, for example, 50 subjects in year 12, 30 subjects in year 13 as well as some additional courses. Full details of subjects are available on request or may be found on the website. Hamilton's Fraser High School is  a school where ACHIEVEMENT is nurtured and promoted and where success and participation in academic studies and other school activities are valued. A key feature of our school is the role of the students in providing service, leadership and being positive role models.

Ambassador & Mrs McCormick talk to Year 13 students

The school is one and a half hours from Auckland airport by car. The school has just over 30 international students from Asian, Pacific, European and South American countries.

Hamilton's Fraser High School offers:
  • A wide range of subjects� from�Year 9 to Year 13.
  • English language tuition and support
  • A purpose-built�International Student Centre with 3 classrooms and kitchen
  • Preparation for national qualifications and tertiary education
  • Excellent teaching
  • Special guidance and support staff for international students�
  • Firm discipline in a safe, positive, affirming environment.
  • Opportunities for outdoor education.
  • Opportunities to excel in a very wide range of sporting, cultural and recreational activities.
  • Modern equipment, particularly in the field of computers and technology.

Address: 72 Ellicott Road
PO Box 15121 Dinsdale
HAMILTON, New Zealand

Contact High School Preparation Programee Manager



Waikato Institute of Education
Address: Level 1, Tower Building, 48
Ward Street,
PO Box 773, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: 64 - 7 - 8382450   Fax: 64 - 7 - 838 2453