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Hillcrest High School, New Zealand  
Pathway for International Students to Hillcrest High School
FREE enrolment service and FREE student health insurance cover for the first year of study at Hillcrest High School you enrol through us

Overseas High School students intending to study at New Zealand High Schools would need a good level of English. Direct enrolment into New Zealand High School is possible but it is recommended that students improve their English and learn about New Zealand before attempting to study at the High Schools. By enrolling on Waikato Institute of Education’s High School Preparation programme, students can improve their English and learn about New Zealand school culture, study systems or methods, exams and further tertiary education available in New Zealand. After completing Waikato Institute of Education’s programme, students will be better prepared to study in Hillcrest High School

Free Service for Enrol Hillcrest High School
Students who enroll in our High School Preparation programme can enter one of
Hillcrest High School . We Provide free service to help student enrol Hillcrest High School  after they finish High School Preparation Course

Hillcrest High School
is a Decile 8, state co-educational school for Years 9-13 with a school roll of approximately 1550 students.

Hillcrest High School is a Decile 8, state co-educational school for Years 9-13 with a school roll of approximately 1550 students. Hillcrest High is located in the southeast sector of Hamilton, near the University and School of Education. The school delivers a modern curriculum providing quality education and national recognition for student's success- academic, cultural and sporting. In addition, there are specialist art, music, physical education (two gymnasiums), computing, graphics, workshop technologies and food and nutrition facilities. We have a brand new science block and look forward to other planned, new facilities.

Hillcrest High is in close proximity to the University and School of Education. Its main contributing intermediates are Berkley and Peachgrove. The student population of Hillcrest High reflects the increasing multi-cultural structure of New Zealand society, representing 28 different nationality groups. These consist of 68% Pakeha/European, 15% Asian, 12% Maori and 5% other nationality groups. The school roll is divided equally (50% female and 50% male).

Special features of the school include the Independent Living Centre for students with moderate intellectual disability, and the Physical Assistance Unit for students with physical disabilities.

Teaching and learning is the cornerstone of the school, with the school having national recognition for scholastic achievement. An outstanding staff of dedicated professionals is committed to teaching and striving for academic excellence. In 2005 the school recorded 54 NCEA Scholarships, more than twice the number of the nearest Waikato School and placing Hillcrest amongst the top in New Zealand. In gaining the top scholar award for German, Jimmy Li became the seventh student from Hillcrest High to gain a top scholar award in the last four years. The school offers a broad senior programme for NCEA Levels 1 to 3 plus scholarship. In addition Cambridge AS level is offered at Year 12 in English and Mathematics. A wide and comprehensive curriculum ensures students of varying ability and interests are catered for.

In the junior school specific programmes are designed to cater for students with special learning needs with a particular focus on numeracy and literacy skills. Our Junior Enrichment and Extension Programme (JEEP) and sports performance programmes at Year 9 and 10 specifically cater for students with specific academic and sporting abilities.

Students are given the opportunity to enter the Australian Schools English, Languages, Mathematics and Science competitions, Geography Research and Environmental Planning competition, and the Waikato University Computer Science Scholarship.

The school’s extra-curricular programme encourages all students to become involved in the full life of the school, irrespective of expertise or experience.

The school regularly enters over 120 teams in local sports competitions spread across 30 different codes. A significant number of our students and teams gain regional and national recognition and ranking for their endeavours. A number of our teams including basketball, hockey, soccer, netball, volleyball, tennis, rowing and golf participate in annual tournaments. We have a long established winter sports exchange with Howick College and a summer junior exchange with Pakuranga College.

International Students are encouraged to enter into all school activities and to take a leadership role such as a previous International Student who was Kowhai House Captain. 

International Students are encouraged to enter into all school activities and to take a leadership role with an International Student as Kowhai House Captain in 2007.

Address: PO Box 11020, Hillcrest, Hamilton, New Zealand

Phone: 64-7-857-0297 ext 839
Fax: 64-7-856-5125

Contact High School Preparation Programee Manager



Waikato Institute of Education

Address: 103 London Street,
PO Box 773, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: 64 - 7 - 8382450   Fax: 64 - 7 - 838 2453