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St Paul's Collegiate School, New Zealand  
Pathway for International Students to St Paul's Collegiate School
FREE enrolment service and providing FREE student health insurance cover for the first year of study at St Paul's Collegiate School you enrol through us

Overseas High School students intending to study at New Zealand High Schools would need a good level of English. Direct enrolment into New Zealand High School is possible but it is recommended that students improve their English and learn about New Zealand before attempting to study at the High Schools. By enrolling on Waikato Institute of Education’s High School Preparation programme, students can improve their English and learn about New Zealand school culture, study systems or methods, exams and further tertiary education available in New Zealand. After completing Waikato Institute of Education’s programme, students will be better prepared to study in St Paul's Collegiate School

Free Service for Enrol St Paul's Collegiate School
Students who enrol in our High School Preparation programme can enter St Paul's Collegiate School We Provide free service to help student enrol Melville High School after they finish High School Preparation Course.

St Paul's Collegiate School

St Paul's Collegiate School is an independent school committed to providing education of the highest quality. It is from our underlying commitment to this goal that we will achieve our other goals, which include the full development of our students. We are dedicated to encouraging our students as individuals to strive to reach their potential, prepare for the challenges of life and play a constructive part in the world at large.

St Paul's Collegiate School Offer:
  • Independent Anglican Boarding School
  • Christianity plays a role in life at St Paul's. However, other denominations and religions are welcome.
  • Boys from Year 9-13 (aged 13-18) Girls from Year 12-13 (aged 17-18)
  • Small number of International students at all levels either as boarders or day students living in homestay accomodation
  • All lessons are in English. ESOL classes offered in support of those who need it.
  • Small class sizes, dedicated and committed teachers.
  • Excellent pass rate in all external examinations. Timetable is well-organised yet flexible enough to cater for students academic needs.
  • Extensive sporting programme offered.
  • St Paul's Collegiate School are proud of our Music school which many students enjoy.
  • Tihoi Venture School is unique to New Zealand. Year 10 boys live at Tihoi for half the academic year.

St Paul's Collegiate School is an independent secondary school for boys (Years 9-13) and for girls (Years 12 -13)  The school, established in 1958, is set in extensive park-like grounds and provides a clean and attractive environment for both boarding and day students.  The School enjoys an excellent reputation for its emphasis on the all-round academic, cultural, spiritual and sporting development of its students and is proud of the high standards that have been achieved.

International Student Support
The Director of International Students is available at all times for enquiries, advice or support.  All international students come under the umbrella of the Director for their pastoral care. Parents and students are welcome to make contact at any time.  The  boarding and day Housemasters are also available for assistance, and contact is most welcome.

English Language Requirement
Good English needed. However attendance at a language school prior to enrolment at
St Paul's Collegiate School  may be required if a student’s English fluency is not satisfactory for his academic level

Boarding positions may be available.  In such cases, students live on campus in one of the four boarding houses.  However, during the holidays and leave weekends all boarding students require alternative accommodation.  Alternatively, international students attend this school as day students and live in homestay accommodation in the local community.

Guardianship and Care of International Students
Each international student needs someone who will oversee their education and provide homestay accommodation when the school is closed. Some students have friends or family who live in New Zealand who are able to provide this care. The school can also arrange homestays if necessary.

English Language Requirement
All students need to have a basic understanding of English.  Students in Years 11-13 need to be able to work at approximately the intermediate level or higher.  English As A Second Language support and tuition is available at all levels for those who need it.

Academic Programmes
The secondary school academic year starts at the end of January and goes through until early December. It is preferred that students in Year 11 to Year 13 attend school from the beginning of the academic year, but Year 9 and Year 10 are welcome to start throughout the year.

The academic programme aims to provide a broad education and the individual talents and abilities of each student is recognized and developed.  Teaching encourages the development of sound personal study habits and concentrates on the acquisition of academic knowledge and skill.  Junior students study a core programme of compulsory subjects with options that include studying another language.  Senior students have a range of subjects to choose from that prepare them for future studies at tertiary level.

Web address: www.stpauls.school.nz



Waikato Institute of Education

Address: 103 London Street,
PO Box 773, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: 64 - 7 - 8382450   Fax: 64 - 7 - 838 2453