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Hamilton Boys' High School, New Zealand  
Pathway for International Students to Hamilton Boys High School
FREE enrolment service and FREE student health insurance cover for the first year of study at Hamilton Boys High School you enrol through us

Overseas High School students intending to study at New Zealand High Schools would need a good level of English. Direct enrolment into New Zealand High School is possible but it is recommended that students improve their English and learn about New Zealand before attempting to study at the High Schools. By enrolling on Waikato Institute of Education’s High School Preparation programme, students can improve their English and learn about New Zealand school culture, study systems or methods, exams and further tertiary education available in New Zealand. After completing Waikato Institute of Education’s programme, students will be better prepared to study in
Hamilton Boys' High School

Free Service for Enrol Hamilton Boys' High School
Students who enroll in our High School Preparation programme can enter  Hamilton Boys' High School. We Provide free service to help student enrol Hamilton Boys' High School after they finish High School Preparation Course.

New Zealand Hamilton Boys' High School
is a traditional state secondary school for boys aged 13 - 19 years, with a school roll of 1800. It is situated on a 20 hectare site close to the city centre and provides comprehensive facilities for academic, technological, cultural, sporting and recreational activities.
The school has two gymnasiums, eight tennis courts and a swimming pool.,

The school has a fine record of academic and sporting success and maintains a strong belief in the values of self discipline, respect, loyalty, considerate behaviour and competitive spirit. 

Hamilton Boys' High School welcomes international students and is very proud of the comprehensive programmes in place for the care and wellbeing of these students, under the supervision of the Dean of International students.

Each student has their own individual academic programme which is planned to allow them to achieve their academic goals. 

English Language Requirement
Good spoken English needed. However attendance at a language school prior to enrolment at Hamilton Boys’ High School may be required if a student’s English fluency is not satisfactory for his academic level.

Students meet regularly with the Dean to discuss any concerns which they or their parents may have, both personally and academically. Parents are contacted regularly by the Dean to inform them of their sons' progress and wellbeing.
All home stays and hostel placements are arranged and supervised by the Home stay co-coordinator who visits these homes to ensure that the students are living in a warm and supportive environment. The International students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as possible to allow them to take full advantage of the many opportunities available to them at Hamilton Boys' High School. 

Students are able to choose a course of study appropriate to their individual strengths and future career plans. Graduating students can continue their tertiary study in Hamilton at Waikato University and Waikato Institute of Technology.
A wide range of subjects is available including - English, ESOL, (with Academic IELTS taught at year 13), Modern Languages, Mathematics, Sciences Technology, Accounting and Economic Studies, Music, Graphics and Design, Computing, Physical Education, CAD courses.

Students study for the national NCEA qualifications with some classes also sitting the Cambridge International Examinations (IGCSE). The most able academic students are catered for in our ALP classes. 

Hamilton Boys' High School has a Dean of International students who oversees the academic programmes, the Homestay accommodation and the pastoral care of these students.

The number of overseas students enrolled at the school is limited each year and those who are accepted find a warm and supportive welcome, from both the staff and students.
Parents are contacted regularly by the Dean to inform them of their son's progress and well-being and are welcome to contact the Dean if they have any concerns.

Hamilton Boys' High School
Peachgrove Road
Private Bag 3201, Hamilton
New Zealand



Waikato Institute of Education

Address: 103 London Street,
PO Box 773, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: 64 - 7 - 8382450   Fax: 64 - 7 - 838 2453