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Hamilton Girls' High School, New Zealand  
Pathway for International Students to Hamilton Girls High School
FREE enrolment service and FREE student health insurance cover for the first year of study at Hamilton Girls High School you enrol through us

Overseas High School students intending to study at New Zealand High Schools would need a good level of English. Direct enrolment into New Zealand High School is possible but it is recommended that students improve their English and learn about New Zealand before attempting to study at the High Schools. By enrolling on Waikato Institute of Education’s High School Preparation programme, students can improve their English and learn about New Zealand school culture, study systems or methods, exams and further tertiary education available in New Zealand. After completing Waikato Institute of Education’s programme, students will be better prepared to study in
Hamilton Girls' High School

Free Service for Enrol Hamilton Girls' High School
Students who enroll in our High School Preparation programme can enter one of Hamilton Girls High School. We Provide free service to help student enrol Hamilton Girls' High School after they finish High School Preparation Course.

Hamilton Girls' High School was opened to students on 10 July 1911, on the current site of Hamilton Girls' High School.  In 1955 the school divided, and Hamilton Girls High School retained the original site.  Mrs Mary Ann Baxter is our current Principal starting Term 2 2004.

Hamilton Girls' High School: Hamilton Girls' High School
- Full academic programme is provided preparing students for university and other tertiary  institutions.
- Extensive ESOL course provided by specialist teachers preparing students for IELTS or other  examinations.
- Mainstream academic environment supported by established international student programme which provides an excellent support base for students.
- Well qualified and experienced ESOL staff with students achieving outstanding results.
- Academic Education programme designed specifically to assist students gain entrance to University.
- Strong pastoral care and guidance networks in place.
- Homestay accommodation service with top quality homestay and caregiver support.
- Internationally recognised qualifications.
- Modern classrooms and resources  - Modern teaching facilities.
- Spacious 5.9592 hectares of grounds in downtown surrounding.

General areas of study:
The course of study is based around the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). The NCEA is a mixture of internal assessment and external examinations.

English Language Requirement
Good English needed. However attendance at a language school prior to enrolment at Hamilton Girlss’ High School may be required if a student’s English fluency is not satisfactory for his academic level.

To gain entry to university in New Zealand, students must achieve at least 42 credits at Level 1 or higher in NCEA.  At least 14 credits must be from each of two subjects from an approved list, with another 14 credits from no more than two other domains.  Students must have 14 or more credits at Level 1 or higher in Mathematics, and at least 8 credits at Level 2 or higher which show reading and writing skills in English.



Waikato Institute of Education

Address: 103 London Street,
PO Box 773, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: 64 - 7 - 8382450   Fax: 64 - 7 - 838 2453