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TOEIC® Scores and Conversion Table
The TOEIC Listening & Reading Test is a 2 hour multiple-choice test consisting of 200 questions. Each candidate receives independent scores for listening and reading comprehension on a scale from 5 to 495 points. The total score adds up to a scale from 10 to 990 points.

The following are TOEIC® test scores and what they mean:

Score Level General Description

905 - 990
(91% - 100%)

International Professional Proficiency
Able to communicate effectively in any situation.

785 - 900
(79% - 90%)

Working Proficiency Plus
Able to satisfy most work requirements with language that is often, but not always, acceptable and effective.

605 - 780
(61% - 78%)

Limited Working Proficiency
Able to satisfy most social demands and limited work requirements.

405 - 600
(41% - 60%)

Elementary Proficiency Plus
Can initiate and maintain predictable face-to-face conversations and satisfy limited social demands.

255 - 400
(26% - 40%)

Elementary Proficiency
Speaker has functional, but limited proficiency. Able to maintain very simple face-to-face conversations on familiar topics.

10 - 250
(0 - 25%)

Basic Proficiency
Able to satisfy immediate survival needs.

Find your overall test score by adding the number of correct answers in each section of Listening and Reading, then apply them to the conversion table below.

For example:

1. After taking both the Listening and Reading sections you have received the following scores: Listening: 76
Reading: 52
2. Using the conversion table below, those numbers change to: Listening: 395
Reading: 195
3. Then add both sections together to get your overall TOEIC® test score. TOEIC® test score : 590


Score List Read Score List Read Score List Read Score List Read
100 495 495 79 415 355 58 285 240 37 125 90
99 495 490 78 405 345 57 275 230 36 115 85
98 495 485 77 400 340 56 265 220 35 105 80
97 495 485 76 395 335 55 260 215 34 100 75
96 495 475 75 385 330 54 255 210 33 95 70
95 495 470 74 375 325 53 245 205 32 90 65
94 495 460 73 370 320 52 235 195 31 85 60
93 495 455 72 365 315 51 230 185 30 80 55
92 490 450 71 360 310 50 225 175 29 70 45
91 485 440 70 355 300 49 220 170 28 60 40
90 480 435 69 350 295 48 215 160 27 55 35
89 475 425 68 345 295 47 205 155 26 50 30
88 465 420 67 340 290 46 200 145 25 45 25
87 460 415 66 335 285 45 190 140 24 40 20
86 455 405 65 330 280 44 180 135 23 35 15
85 445 395 64 325 275 43 175 130 22 30 10
84 440 390 63 320 270 42 170 125 21 25 5
83 435 385 62 310 260 41 160 120 20 20 5
82 430 375 61 300 255 40 150 115 19 15 5
81 425 370 60 295 250 39 140 105 18 10 5
80 420 360 59 290 245 38 135 95 1-17 5 5

Waikato Institute of Education
Level 1 Centre Place Tower, 48 Ward Street,
PO Box 773, Hamilton, New Zealand
Phone: 64 - 7 - 8382450   Fax: 64 - 7 - 838 2453